Set the Cyberpunk Stage:
Familiarize yourself with the Neon Moon Setting—a cyberpunk world filled with contrasting archetypes, where every card unfolds a unique story.
Shuffle with Intent:
Shuffle the deck while focusing on your question or area of inquiry. Visualize the neon-lit cityscape and immerse yourself in the cyberpunk narrative.
Draw Your Cards:
Draw cards for your reading, whether it's a simple three-card spread or a more elaborate layout. Pay attention to the characters and symbols, and let the cyberpunk tale unfold.
Decode the Narratives:
Each card holds a piece of the cyberpunk story. Decode the narratives behind the characters and symbols. Consider the contrasts between wealth and repression, diversity and freedom.
Consult the Guide Book:
Utilize the 51-page guide book for deeper insights. Explore card themes, associated quotes, and even discover a playable card game designed for your Neon Moon deck.
Interpret Personal Stories:
Neon Moon not only narrates a broader cyberpunk saga but may also reveal personal stories in your readings. Pay attention to how the cards align with your unique experiences.